Tuesday, May 19, 2020

My letter to the Governor to open the churches despite the Wuhan coronavirus

The Honorable
   Jay Inslee
      Governor of the State of Washington
         Office of the Governor
            PO Box 40002
            Olympia, WA 98504-0002

Governor Inslee,

I am an Orthodox Christian. This is my primary identity and an identity I received from heaven. I am also an American. This is my secondary identity which I received from this land in which I was born and raised. I am writing to formally communicate my disapproval on current policy regarding the current plague.

You are probably beginning to receive an increased number of letters from Orthodox Christians demanding you to OPEN THE CHURCHES. I offer my letter as an explanation to you and as a reference on why we express our concern. Below, you can find the supporting beliefs and 2000 years of global experience that bring about our outcry. If things continue on this path, you may find my letter helpful in explaining a worsening situation.

The Holy and Sacred Tradition of Orthodox Christianity has been in this land many generations. Its followers are refugees fleeing totalitarian regimes. In recent years, another source of Orthodox Christians are Americans who refuse to live in the despair, nihilism, and hopelessness that is offered by contemporary society from both the ideologies of the left and the right.

Unlike the more familiar Western Christian denominations of Papism and Protestantism and unlike popular notions of science put forward today or the abilities of proper science, our Orthodox Faith offers a psychosomatic treatment for all diseases for mankind. That is right: all diseases. Whether the disease is psychological, spiritual, or even physical, our Church possess the cure to life for all things.

Since the concern for you is this physical disease, let me explain that when our cure does not miraculously cure the physical condition (and many times it does), it gives psychological / spiritual strength from heaven to endure the illness and offer the victim a road to Paradise as a result. It can take away our weaknesses and can build up virtue and perfection by the grace and power of God. Our pursuit of heavenly truth and beauty while here on the earth (most significantly in our own lives) affords this land many blessings (seen and unseen). It is for this reason the Roman Emperors of old saw the value offered by Christianity and favored it for many generations and centuries. Surely such a momentous historic shift was due to some underlying momentous historic catalyst; this cure was it.

The Church offers this sacred medicine to us Orthodox Christians in the Divine Liturgy. This happens at least on Sunday mornings but at many other times too. For Orthodox Christians to be separate from this Liturgy literally prevents heaven from entering the earth and makes a way for hell to creep in. Heaven and Hell are not merely post-mortem realities. Our life is to bring into existence one of these realities which affects the surrounding society and moves each of us into eternity in either of those directions. This is the purpose of life. For us, the Liturgy is not optional. Therefore, we cry: OPEN THE CHURCHES!

Your Honor, we recognize that you have been placed in your esteemed office by the will of God. I do not intend to waste your time with the American political theory which we all know. The constitutional protection of religious freedom is unquestionable, and the courts will protect it (indeed they already are!). The separation of Church and State goes both ways. You know these things. This is why I join my voice with many to OPEN THE CHURCHES!

Regarding the executive order to close churches: we did not have to obey. You do not dictate how we run our Orthodox parishes. Our church order is accomplished by a specific legislative process through the Spirit of God for the last 2000 years (viz. our canons). However, we obeyed as a temporary measure out of respect to your authority and with the agreement on the importance to “flatten the curve” and avoid overwhelming our healthcare system. However, enough time has passed since then and we have been patient. Our people now suffer under policies worse than the disease. We formally ask you to OPEN THE CHURCHES in the sincere hope that we Orthodox Christians may avoid deciding between the laws of God and the laws of the current government.

Our history shows us Orthodox Christians persecuted under one mighty empire after another. We not only come through such persecutions but even outlive all these rulers! America is no different. Anyone who has the arrogance to meddle in spiritual realities they know far too little about, brings history to a head, and we prevail. Sometimes we barely survive such times, but the grace of God sees us through beyond the pathetic ambitions of mortal men. Is this the direction you wish to go?

As recent weeks have shown, we the people have been subject to a scam. This virus is real and is ugly, but there have been worse medical crises in our history (even recent history). Are you trying to protect lives? There are things much worse than physical death, we can assure you. Anyway, economists may point out we are only trading some lives for others at this point. If our democracy has deprived us of our heavenly food and involuntary imprisonment in our houses, then you can keep it. We would rather die from this virus or be legitimately imprisoned in an attempt the obey our Jesus. Then, on the fearful Day of the Lord’s Judgement (which is coming, have no doubt), we can say: “O Merciful One, we tried.” How much more fearful are we of His rebuke than the petty whims of this democracy!

We pray that God (the Creator and Sustainer of all the Universe and each of us) will give you faith and wisdom in this heavy burden of responsibility. We Orthodox Christians do not fear death nor suffering; at the same time, we do not intend to spread disease. We have faith in God’s omniscience and goodness to unfold His actions in all human lives regarding this virus. Be assured, we will carefully take all necessary precautions and cares to protect the weak and vulnerable. I may point out that the Orthodox Church actually invented the hospital! Having said all this I inform you we are taking formal steps in airing our grievances: OPEN THE CHURCHES! The sorrows you give us and the danger which you are bringing to society must be relieved.

In Christ,


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