Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Books I'm selling:

Here is a list of books I'm selling. DM me if you are interested. I can also send pics if you want to see the condition or Table of Contents

@ISeeClownPeople on Twitter

Condition: Good (hardly any creases, none major; bindings all perfect, one exception but intact; no tears; adhesive tape on many cover's corners to prevent peeling; two or three have gift message on opening the book.)

- Mere Christianity, old paperback
- The Pilgrim's Regress
- The Abolition of Man
- A Preface to Paradise Lost
- Reflections on the Psalms
- God in the Dock
- Christian Reflections
- Of Other Worlds
- Present Concerns
- Studies in Words
- George MacDonald
- Narrative Poems
- The Allegory of Love
- The Weight of Glory
- The Dark Tower
- Surprised by Joy
- The Problem of Pain
- The Four Loves
- Miracles
- A Grief Observed
- Letters to Malcom
- The Business of Heaven (daily excerpted readings)
- (biography) C.S. Lewis: Christian and Storyteller (Beatrice Gormley)

- Rock and Sand, 1st ed. (Fr. Josiah)
- Way of the Pilgrim
- A night in the desert on the Holy Mountain (Met. Hierotheos)
- Abba Dorotheos Discourses (Scouteris)
- The Precious Pearl (St. John of Damascus)
- Homilies ("pseudo" Macarios, but really St. Macarios)

- Discovering the Rich Heritage of Orthodoxy (Bell)
- Thirsting for God (Gallatin)
- The Mountain of Silence (Markides)
- Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy, 2nd ed. (Damick)
- Orthodox House of Worship (Bp. Augoustinos of Florina)
- Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology (Louth)
- Marriage and Virginity according to St. John Chrysostom (Fr. Josiah)
- God, History, and Dialectic, 4 vols. (Joseph P. Farrell)
- Atheist Delusions (Hart)
- Orthodox Christian Beliefs about the Bible (Harakas)
- Return (Arch. Nektarios Antonopoulos)

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